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abaX Data is a Business Intelligence consultancy that provides our clients with the tools, techniques and processes to make decisions based on data.
From inception to completion, we have the experience, tools and expertise necessary to deliver and support successful Business Intelligence solutions.

Why abaX ?

Products and Tools

At abaX believe that the value in Business Intelligence is realised when you get value from data. We deliver this to our clients by working with them to create systems and procedures that use information efficiently and productively. Systems that empower users.

We can deliver results in many way's (for example);

  • Assessing the need for a solution and help with understanding business requirements and available technologies
  • Creating a new data warehouse or data mart
  • Reviewing existing solutions
  • Designing and implementing reporting and dash boards
  • Training
  • Addhoc analysis
Here's some (certainly a non-exhaustive list) of some of the tools, products and outcomes we have achieved.